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Trust and risk perceptions of Chinese customers and their influence on online shopping behaviour: A comparison of millennials and non-millennials
The research is about analysing the trust and risk perceptions of Chinese customers towards online shopping and how these perceptions influence their online shopping behaviour. The participants will be divided into two age groups- millennials (18 to 24 years) and non-millennials (35 to 50 years).
Research method
The primary (quantitative research) method will be chosen, and the online close-ended questionnaire will be used to collect the data from the targeted population.
Target population and sample
The study will target Chinese customers within the age bracket of 18 to 50, divided into two groups, as mentioned before. Data from 150 millennials and 150 non-millennials will be collected.
Research context and instrument
The research context will be narrowed down by targeting the customers that do online shopping to purchase fashion and cosmetic products. The risk and trust variables will be measured across the following dimensions- Perceived risk (Privacy, source, transaction security), Perceived trust (cognitive trust, affective trust). The Likert scale will be used to measure the responses. Survey data will be analysed by evaluating the correlation values among under study variables and model the relationship between independent and dependent variables by running the regression test.
Influence of green marketing practices on consumer-based brand equity: An empirical analysis of the Chinese generation Y in the fashion clothing industry
The proposed study intends to analyse the influence of green marketing practices (green production, green packaging, green promotion and green distribution) on the customer based brand equity (ope-rationalized through brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality and brand loyalty) in Chinese fashion clothing industry.
Research method
Positivist philosophy will be based to set the assumptions for gathering and analysing the data. The primary research method will be selected, and correlational (causal) research design will be adapted to analyse the influence of independent variables (green marketing dimensions) on the dependent variable (brand equity).
Target population and sample
The target population will be generation Y Chinese fashion clothing customers. Convenience sampling strategy will be used to collect survey data from at least 150 participants. Popular Chinese social networking sites will be used to contact the participants.
Research context and instrument
The close-ended, internet-mediated questionnaire will be the primary research instrument, and SPSS will be used for analysis purpose. Descriptive statistics (percentages and pie/bar charts), correlation and regression analysis techniques will be used to present primary research findings.
An empirical analysis of the customer loyalty management in Chinese retail supermarket: A case study of China Resource Vanguard or Wu Mart Group
This study analyses the influence of customer loyalty management in Chinese retail supermarket. The study objective is to identify the customer loyalty determinants in Chinese retail supermarket sector. The customer loyalty management will be operationalized through following dimensions- tangibility of loyalty cards, reliability of loyalty card management services, the responsiveness of loyalty card management services, assurance of loyalty card management services and staff empathy of loyalty card management services.
Research method
The descriptive case study research design will be adopted. Primary data will be collected from customers of China Resource Vanguard (or Wu Mart Group). Quantitative survey strategy will be adapted to gather the opinions of targeted population set.
Target population and sample
The target population of this study will be customers of China Resource Vanguard (or Wu Mart Group). They will be accessed through social media, and a convenience sampling strategy will be used to collect data from 100 customers.
Research instrument
A close-ended questionnaire with five-point Liker scale will be used, and an online link will be generated. The questionnaire will be self-administered in nature.
Relationship between customer knowledge management and customer agility: An analysis of Chinese five star hotels in the city center, Beijing
The proposed study aims at understanding the effect of customer knowledge management on customer agility in Chinese five star hotels. The study hypothesized that customer knowledge management positively influences the customer agility, where, customer knowledge management will be measured across three dimensions- knowledge about the customer, knowledge from customer and knowledge for the customer). Customer agility will be measured through sensing and responding.
Research method
Primary research method and a quantitative research approach will be adopted to achieve the research purpose. By using a deductive strategy, the hypothesized relationships will be tested under the guidance of positivism philosophy.
Target population and sample
The study will target the marketing managers currently working in the Chinese five star hotels. The research context will be narrowed down by only targeting the five star hotels operating in the city center, Beijing. A combination of convenience and snowball sampling will be used to draw responses from at least 100 managers (front-line, middle and senior).
Research instrument
A close-ended questionnaire with a five-point Liker scale. A small pilot study will be conducted to confirm the instrument's reliability. Variable ope-rationalization will be based on a literature review.
Impact of Chinese consumers’ ethnocentrism on purchase intentions of foreign products
Consumers’ ethnocentric attitude plays an important role in determining their behavior towards foreign products. The proposed study will evaluate the ethnocentrism of Chinese customers and its influence on their willingness to purchase foreign low-involvement products. The ethnocentrism is ope-rationalized by adapting Consumer Ethnocentrism Tendency Scale (Cetscale). The study hypothesizes that consumers' ethnocentrism positively relates to the purchase intentions of domestic products, and negatively relates to the purchase intentions of foreign products.
Research method
Positivist philosophy, deductive strategy and descriptive research design will be chosen to achieve the research purpose. The quantitative method with online survey data collection strategy will be used.
Target population and sample
The target population of this study will be Chinese consumers of low-involvement products (like fast moving consumer goods). Convenience sampling strategy will be used. The sample size will be 100 respondents.
Research instrument
A structured questionnaire with five-point Liker scale will be used, where, the first part of the questionnaire will be based on the Cetscale and second part will evaluate the customers' purchase intentions. Last part will collect basic demographic information of participants. The questionnaire will be internet-mediated and self-administered.
Effect of country animosity and ethnocentrism on British consumers’ evaluation of Chinese luxury products
It is recognized that the country of origin image influences the consumption patterns. The proposed research is interesting as it evaluates the British customers’ evaluation of Chinese luxury products, and how this evaluation is influenced by their degree of ethnocentrism and animosity. The research aims at understanding if any stereotypes influence British customers’ behavior towards Chinese customers. The study will provide evidence regarding British customers’ ethnocentric tendencies and degree of animosity (or possibly friendliness if animosity score is low) towards China.
Research method
Positivist philosophy with deductive strategy, descriptive design, cross-sectional time frame and quantitative research method. The survey data collection strategy is preferred due to its convenience. Following hypotheses will be tested:
H1: Country animosity negatively influences the British consumers’ evaluation of Chinese luxury products.
H2: Ethnocentrism negatively influences the British consumers’ evaluation of Chinese luxury products.
Target population and sample
The target population is native British luxury fashion products. The use of convenience sampling will be preferred due to simple and easy administration. The target is to draw responses from at least 150 customers.
Research instrument
A close-ended questionnaire with Like's agreement scale. The Cetscale for measuring ethnocentrism and adaptation of previous country animosity scales.
Effect of online word of mouth on the behavioral intentions of customers in Chinese domestic airline industry
The proposed study aims at analyzing the influence of online word-of-mouth on behavioral intentions of Chinese domestic airline customers. The study will analyse if information disbursed through different online mediums in the form of word of mouth influences behavioral intentions.
Research method
Positivist philosophy and deductive strategy provide a theoretical foundation, descriptive research design sets the road map, and quantitative research choice will be made to achieve the research purpose. Following hypotheses are developed to check the relationship between online word of mouth and customers’ behavioral intentions:
H1: Positive word of mouth positively influences the behavioral intentions of customers in Chinese domestic airline industry
Target population and sample
Chinese customers of domestic airlines make the target population of this research. The targeted sample size is 200. Before that, a small pilot study with 30 customers will be conducted to confirm reliability.
Research instrument
A structured questionnaire with a 5-point, agreement scale. The variables will be measured by adapting the scales proposed by previous studies.
A study on the influence of perceived CSR on customer loyalty in the British banking industry
The purpose of this study is to understand if CSR practices adopted by British banking organizations are effective in terms of increasing customer loyalty. Studies offer contradictory results and evidence to establish a strong relationship between CSR and customer loyalty in the British banking industry is weak.
Research method
A quantitative approach with a cross-sectional survey design will be adopted. Online data collection will save time and cost. The CSR will be measured across the following dimensions- responsibility towards shareholders, responsibility towards customers, responsibility towards employees, responsibility towards environment and responsibility towards society/community.
Target population and sample
The study targets British banking customers (above 18 years’ old). Non-probability sampling strategy will be adopted. The targeted sample size is 200 customers accessed through social networking sites.
Research instrument
An online, self-administered questionnaire with close-ended questions. Survey Monkey will be used to upload the questionnaire and gather survey data. Seven points Likert agreement scale will be used for response measurement. Descriptions of each CSR dimension and customer loyalty will be adapted from previous studies.
Effect of perceived service quality on customer loyalty: An empirical investigation into Chinese three-star vs five star hotels. (This topic to be selected for minimum 10,000 for above words thesis due to comparison)
The unique aspect of this research is that a comparative study based on stars will be conducted, which up to researcher’s knowledge has not been done before in Chinese context. The research purpose is to measure the effect of perceived service quality dimensions on the loyalty of Chinese hotel customers. Perceived service quality will be measured across tangibility, reliability, assurance, empathy and responsiveness.
Research method
Within the primary research method and quantitative research choice, cross-sectional, the causal research design is selected. The deductive approach will be used, and five testable hypotheses (for each service quality dimension) will be formed. The additional hypothesis will be added as the "effect of perceived service quality on customer loyalty differs across three star and five star hotels".
Target population and sample
Chinese customers that previously availed services of three or five star hotels located in the city center, Beijing. Stratified sampling technique will be adopted where the population will be divided into two groups- 3-star customers and 5-star customers. 100 responses from 3-star and 100 responses from 5-star will be generated, and the total sample size will be 200.
Research instrument
A close-ended, structured questionnaire with Liker agreement scale. SERVEQUAL scale used to develop the instrument.
A qualitative study on evaluating the effectiveness of Instagram as a marketing tool in British small and medium fashion retail industry. (ONLY UK as there is no Instagram in China)
The purpose is to understand the marketing potential of Instagram from British SME fashion retail managers’ perspective, the consequences of using Instagram as a marketing tool and recent trends of its adoption in the chosen sector.
Research method
Interpretive philosophy, inductive approach and exploratory research design are selected. Qualitative research method and semi-structured interviewing data collection strategy are adopted to fulfill research purpose.
Target population and sample
The study is targeted towards marketing managers of British small and medium fashion retail organizations. To narrow the context, only Chester (or enter name according to your convenience, but the city should be preferably small) city will be targeted. The purpose sampling strategy used and criteria will be the targeted participant must be in the social media marketing team of the organization, the targeted organization has online presence and participant must hold a managerial position with minimum 5 years' experience. At least 7 detailed, semi-structured, telephonic interviews will be held.
Research instrument
Semi-structured interview guideline with the flexibility to ask probing questions. The questions will cover important aspects discussed in the literature.
An exploratory analysis of the factors that influence online shopping behavior and purchase intentions of local and international students in China. (This topic to be selected for minimum 10,000 for above words thesis due to comparison)
The study has two main objectives. 1) To explore the factors that influence online shopping behavior and purchase intentions and 2) To highlight possible differences in shopping behavior of local and international students.
Research method
Pragmatic research philosophy with exploratory research design. Mix methodology will be adopted, and survey strategy will be used where the survey questionnaire will carry both open and close-ended questions.
Target population and sample
The target population is divided into two groups, 1) Local Chinese students 2) International students. Both groups will be studying in Chinese universities located in Beijing. The scope is narrowed by only targeting the graduate students from business and management sciences departments. A mix of convenience and snowball sampling strategy used to collect data from at least 100 students (50 local and 50 international).
Research instrument
A structured questionnaire with a mix of close and open-ended questions.
Influence of marketing capabilities on the customer agility in British small and medium hotel industry
The study aims at evaluating how the marketing capabilities of the British small and medium hotel organizations influence customer agility. Marketing capabilities will be evaluated across four dimensions- marketing research, pricing and product development, distribution channels and promotion and market management.
Research method
Realist research philosophy with descriptive research design. Mix methodology will be adopted, and survey strategy will be used where quantitative survey questionnaire will be followed by some semi-structured interviews. The sequential explanatory research design adopted. Firstly, a survey will be conducted, then its results along with literature used to develop an interview guide.
Target population and sample
The target population will be owners and marketing managers of British small and medium hospitality organizations. The data will be collected from Portsmouth city. The random sampling strategy used to collect data from at least 100 participants. Snowball sampling used to conduct telephonic interviews with 3 to 4 senior managers.
Research instrument
Two research instruments. 1) Structured, internet-mediated survey questionnaire with close-ended questions, 2) semi-structured interview guide.
Customer knowledge and relationship management as a success driver for Chinese telecommunication firms: A case study of China Mobile
The study will evaluate how managers in China mobile view customer as a knowledge source and to what extent the company understands different customer knowledge management aspects. The study will also assess how different mechanisms are implemented to gain customer knowledge and how gained knowledge is managed and shared in the company to support innovation and drive success.
Research method
Primary research with a mixed methodology will be adopted based on pragmatic philosophy and descriptive design with a cross-sectional time frame. Descriptive case study research design is adopted by targeting China Mobile. The scope is narrowed by only collecting data from headquarters. Quantitative survey questionnaire followed by 5 in-depth structured interviews.
Target population and sample
Marketing managers (middle and senior level) working in China Mobile, headquarters. Middle managers targeted by using a quantitative questionnaire strategy and senior managers targeted through the structured interviewing approach. Random sampling will generate 50 responses from middle managers, and purposive sampling will be used to interview 5 senior marketing managers.
Research instrument
1) An online questionnaire with close-ended questions,
2) Structured interview guide.
Correlation between customer complaint handling and customer satisfaction in Chinese rural commercial banking sector: A case study of Beijing rural commercial bank
The study has two main objectives. First, to identify the complaint handling dimensions with stronger and weaker influence on satisfaction in Beijing rural commercial bank and second is to propose suggestions for improving satisfaction through effective complaint handling. The customer complaint handling will be measured across the following dimensions- service recovery, service cost, service quality, service failure, service guarantee and perceived value.
Research method
Positivism philosophy, deductive approach, primary research method, correlational (causal) case study research design and survey data collection strategy set the overall research route. Both online and offline modes will be used to collect data. In person visits through friends and relatives residing in Beijing will be arranged in Beijing rural commercial bank after getting official permission. Social networking sites also used to access bank customers and increase the sample size.
Target population and sample
The target population is current clients of Beijing rural commercial bank. The convenience sampling strategy used to gather data from a minimum of 200 clients.
Research instrument
A close-ended self-administered questionnaire with Liker agreement scale. The questionnaire divided into three parts,
1) demographics,
2) complaint handling variables
3) customer satisfaction.
Influence of electronic banking on customer satisfaction and loyalty: A case study of Bank of China
The study aims at- understanding the level of Chinese consumers about e-banking, highlighting the important electronic banking service dimensions with a strong influence on satisfaction and loyalty, and steps that Bank of China needs to take to enhance the customer satisfaction through improved electronic banking.
Research method
Philosophy of positivism with deductive strategy and descriptive case study research design is selected for this research. Bank of China is chosen as a case study organization. The quantitative research method is selected, and the survey will be administered online. Electronic banking services will be measured across- convenience, reliability, cost, responsiveness and security.
Target population and sample
The study targets the Bank of China current customers who avail the electronic services offered by the bank. Social networking sites will be used to collect the data. The questionnaire will be uploaded online, and the link will be shared on different social media groups. Some in-person visits to different Bank of China branches will also be arranged with the help of relatives residing in China. Participants randomly selected. The intended sample size is 200 customers. A small pilot study with at least 25 customers will be conducted for checking the reliability of the research instrument.
Research instrument
The SERVQUAL scale will be adapted according to the electronic banking services to measure electronic banking services.
Effect of the country of origin on consumers’ buying intentions in low involvement consumer products: A survey with Chinese university teachers
This study explores the influence of country of origin image on the evaluation and buying intentions of Chinese low involvement consumer products. This objective will be accomplished by analyzing the influence of COO image on purchase intentions and highlighting the possible moderating power of ethnocentrism.
Research method
Pragmatic research philosophy with descriptive research design is adopted. Primary research method with quantitative and qualitative research choice and cross-sectional survey data collection strategy adopted to accomplish the research objectives. Close-ended questionnaire for quantitative and addition of some open-ended questions to collect qualitative data.
Target population and sample
The study will target Chinese university teachers. Context is narrowed down by collecting data from management sciences faculty teaching in higher educational institutions located in Shanghai (or any other city). The probability sampling strategy used to gather opinions of at least 100 university teachers.
Research instrument
A structured questionnaire with a mix of close and open-ended questions. Mainly questions will be close-ended with five-point Likert scale. Open-ended questions will be analysed by using descriptive analysis strategy.
Influence of web experience on virtual buying behaviour of Chinese customers. An empirical study of online clothing stores
This research study aims to analyse the possible correlation between web experience and online buying decision. The web experience will be investigated through web attractiveness, web content, web functionality and psychological category. The functional category includes usability and interactivity; the psychological category includes trust-building elements and web content include aesthetic factors.
Research method
Philosophy of positivism, deductive approach, cross-sectional time frame and descriptive research design. Primary research method and quantitative research choice are adopted to achieve the research objectives. The online survey research strategy is adapted to collect data.
Target population and sample
The study targets the Chinese customers that buy clothes from different online clothing stores. The convenience sampling technique used to collect data from a minimum of 200 customers.
Research instrument
An internet-mediated questionnaire with close-ended questions used as the research instrument. Multiple scales used to record the responses. Questionnaire divided into different parts, starting with introduction, web experience categories and online buying behavior.
The influence of business ethics on female consumers’ buying behavior in the British cosmetics industry
The purpose of this research study is to understand the importance of corporate ethics from British female customers' perspective and its consequent influence on buying behaviour. The objective is to understand the practical application of important theoretical concepts like social responsibility and ethical consumerism. The aim is to analyse if British female customers are willing to pay extra for cosmetic products from companies with high ethical standards. The study also aims to analyse individual characteristics like self-esteem and environmental consciousness to understand if ethical consumerism differs across these characteristics.
Research method
Primary research method with descriptive research design and positivist philosophy.
Target population and sample
The target population of this research is female British cosmetic customers. Online native British customers will be targeted. The targeted segmented will be accessed through Facebook, Instagram and other popular social networking sites. The probability sampling strategy used to collect data from 300 customers.
Research instrument
Self-administered questionnaire uploaded on Survey Monkey. Multiple scales used to measure responses. Instrument reliability tested by checking Cronbach alpha value. Questionnaire divided into:
- Introductory section
- Corporate ethics and values
- Buying behavior
Impact of celebrity-endorsed advertisements on consumer behavior in the British/Chinese fashion industry
The study's first objective is to understand the significance of celebrity spokespeople in increasing the purchase intentions in British luxury fashion clothing industry. The researcher will measure the influence of celebrity endorsement through attractiveness, expertise and credibility on purchase behavior.
Research method
Primary research method, positivism philosophy, deductive strategy, descriptive research design and cross-sectional time frame selected for developing research methodology. The quantitative method with online survey strategy chosen as a data collection strategy. SPSS used for analysis. Correlation and Regression used to analyse results.
Target population and sample
The study will target British male and female fashion customers. Luxury fashion clothing market segment will be targeted to conduct research in a narrow context. Access to these customers gained through social media. The non-probability sampling technique used to collect data from 200 customers. A small pilot study with 40 customers conducted to check if the instrument can be used to generate reliable results.
Research instrument
A structured, close-ended questionnaire distributed through online mediums after uploading on Survey Monkey website. The celebrity endorsement will be measured through attractiveness, credibility and expertise. Consumer behavior will be measured through purchase intentions. Last part of the questionnaire will ask demographic questions.
Effects of sales promotion on the purchase decision of Chinese customers: A case of the online retailing fast fashion industry
This study intends to analyse the relationship between sales promotion tools and consumers’ purchase behavior in case of online fast fashion products in China. The study results will determine the extent to which sales promotion tools encourage customers’ purchase behavior. The survey results will help the undertaken research to highlight the important advantages of using sales promotion in Chinese online retailing fast fashion industry.
Research method
The study develops following hypothesis statements: H1) coupons positively influence purchase behavior, H2) price discounts positively influence purchase behavior, H3) free samples positively influence purchase behaviour, H4) buy 1 get 1 free offer positively influence purchase behavior. These hypothesis statements will be tested by adopting a primary research method and quantitative research choice. Online survey research design is selected for conducting research.
Target population and sample
Chinese customers of online retailing fast fashion products. Non-probability sampling used to draw responses from 250 customers (minimum).
Research instrument
A close-ended questionnaire with Liker scale. The questionnaire divided into six parts. The first part- demographics, second to fifth parts about different sales promotion tools. Last part about purchase behavior.
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